参考文献:1. T. R. Segal, K. Kim, S. L. Mumford, et al. How much does the uterus matter? Perinataloutcomes are improved when donor oocyte embryos are transferred to gestational carriers compared to intended parent recipients. Fertility and Sterility 2018;110:888-895.2. Woods L, Perez-Garcia V, Kieckbusch J, Wang X, DeMayo F, Colucci F, et al. Decidualisation and placentation defects are a major cause of age-related reproductive decline. Nat Commun 2017;8:352.
【乐可乐海外医疗 试管婴儿 助孕备孕 IVF 第三代试管】与8家老牌知名乌克兰公立医院、生殖中心保持着长期友好的合作。
合作医院: IPF︱IRM︱Adonis 阿多尼斯︱Medical Plaza︱IVMED 艾迈德 瑞德︱isida︱MINI IVF ︱彼奥
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